William Forsythe - The Fact of Matter Museum für Moderne Kunst 1 (MMK) [Musée d'art moderne], Domstraße 10, Frankfurt am Main / Francfort, Allemagne, exposition prolongée jusqu'au 13 mars 2016. En savoir +
Kunstausstellung [Exposition d'art]
William Forsythe, Stellentstellen, 2013 Performers: Amancio Gonzales & Ander Zabala; Foto: Dominik Mentzos
Kunstausstellung [Exposition d'art]
One Candle (1988) de Nam June Paik
Avec cette exposition, William Forsythe souhaite aussi entrer en dialogue avec des œuvres du musée, comme Gray Corner Piece (1968) de Fred Sandback, One Candle (1988) de Nam June Paik (cf. ci-dessus), Hand Catching Lead (1968) de Richard Serra, Twilight Arch (1991) de James Turrell, Date Paintings (1966‒2000) de On Kawara, Problem I, II, III (1966) de Cy Twombly’s, Wildroot (1959) de John Chamberlain, Perfect Balance (1989) de Bruce Nauman, Event, Stream, Object (2010) de Florian Hecker, Aire (2003) de Teresa Margolles ou High Energy Bar and Certificate (1966) de Walter De Maria (cf. ci-dessous).
High Energy Bar and Certificate (1966) de Walter De Maria
William Forsythe, Stellentstellen, 2013 Performers: Amancio Gonzales & Ander Zabala; Foto: Dominik Mentzos
William Forsythe, Additive Inverse, 2007 Foto: Julian Gabriel Richter
William Forsythe, City of Abstracts, 2000 Installationsansicht/installation view MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main. Softwareentwicklung/Video software development: Philip Bußmann. Courtesy of the artist, Foto/photo: Dominik Mentzos

William Forsythe, Nowhere and Everywhere at the Same Time, No.3, 2015 Installationsansicht/installation view MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main. Courtesy of the artist, Foto/photo: Dominik Mentzos

William Forsythe, The Fact of Matter, 2009 Installationsansicht/installation view MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main. Courtesy of the artist, Foto/photo: Dominik Mentzos

William Forsythe, A Volume, within which it is not Possible for Certain Classes of Action to Arise, 2015 Installationsansicht/installation view MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main. Courtesy of the artist, Foto/photo: Dominik Mentzos

William Forsythe, Towards the Diagnostic Gaze, 2013 Installationsansicht/installation view MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main. Courtesy of the artist, Foto/photo: Dominik Mentzos

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